6. Business Builder’s Bonus (BBB)
Any 18% and above who maintains the 18% level for 4 months in the Profit Sharing period using proper MLM principles but does not qualify as a Profit Sharing Manager is considered a Business Builder (BB). A BB who plays game has to return the bonus received and will be disqualified from receiving their first Profit Sharing
check. The 30-70 Rule will be strictly implemented at this level.
The portion a leader will receive is dependent on his/her Business Builder’s Points (BBP). The BBP is the sum of the Personal Point Value (PPV: Personal Sales PV) and the Group Point Value (GPV: Group Sales PV of all personally sponsored Distributors below 18%) of the BB for the Profit Sharing Period.
Any 18% and above who maintains the 18% level for 6 months in the Profit Sharing period using proper MLM principles but does not qualify as a Profit Sharing Manager is considered a Super Business Builder (SBB). An SBB who plays game has to return the bonus received and will be disqualified from receiving their first Profit Sharing check. The 30-70 Rule will be strictly implemented at this level.
The portion a leader will receive is dependent on his/her Business Builder’s Points
(BBP). The BBP is the sum of the Personal Point Value (PPV: Personal Sales PV) and the Group Point Value (GPV: Group Sales PV of all personally sponsored Distributors below 18%) of the SBB for the Profit Sharing Period.