3. Qualifications To Receive Monthly Override, Manager, Pearl , Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire And Diamond Manager Bonuses.
1) Any 6%, 9%,12%,15%,18%,21% and Manager and Pearl distributor, who fails to purchase 100 PV for the qualifying month, is not entitled to receive any override or Manager or Pearl bonuses generated from the sales volume created by other distributors or Managers under the same sponsor group in that month. Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond distributors need not do the 100PV to receive the overrides and bonuses.
2) A Distributor who is required to do the personal sales requirement of 100PV but fails to do so and was not able to qualify to receive the bonus on that month, shall be entitled to obtain the bonuses in the month that he/she meets the requirements. This privilege shall not have retroactive effects to previous bonuses.
3) When a first generation manager became inactive, any active manager under his network will be considered as the active first generation manager.
4) All 6%,9%, 12%, 15% 18%, 21% distributors and qualified Manager, Pearl, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond distributors will qualify to receive all the said bonuses if they can maintain the terms set in the Company’s International Sponsoring policy in every territory or country where they do business. They do not need to maintain the 100 PV in other International markets to be considered active. They must be active in their Home base and be on the same level in our marketing plan or Manager and above for the month to receive the override or Manager bonus.
5) All PV and sales volume will be calculated on a per calendar month basis.
(Example: January 1 to January 31)